201 Paper Details
Klasik Enterpolasyon Yöntemleri ve Yapay Sinir Ağı Yaklaşımları ile Matematiksel Denklemlerin Karşılaştırılmalı Çözümü İçin Arayüz Tasarımı
Zeynep Batık Garip, Erdal Büyükbıçakcı
As a result of the experiments, measurements, observations and calculations realized in applied sciences, many data is obtained. Methods such as interpolation, smallest squares, halving, tangent-beam, Newton Raphson and Regula – False. In recent years' developments, artificial nerve networks, blur logic, intuitional and generic algorithms are used in sciences designing new systems by replicating the human brain functions. Classical Interpolation Methods (CIM) and Artificial Nerve Networks (ANN) are used in many fields such as math, physics, electric, computer engineering and many applications such as optimization, control, sample completion-matching, voice and vision detection, calculation and classification. In this study solution of mathematical equations were given comparatively by using interpolation methods and artificial nerve network approaches. In simulations realized in MATLAB GUI ambiance designed by graphical user interface program, results of equation systems are shown as numerical and graphical interface. At the same time the program ensures us to select the mathematical function on interface with the help of interpolation method parameters and artificial nerve network parameters.
Published in:
4th International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science (ISITES2016) 3-5 Nov 2016 Alanya/Antalya - Turkey